How does an LSC access, add, edit, and delete a Staff Member?

The LSC Staff Management Section will allow LSC administrators to add registered members as Staff Members. 

To access Member Administration:

  1. Login to your USAS account.
  2. Click on 'Admin' from the top right navigation options and select 'LSC Management' from the dropdown.
  3. Next, select the LSC for which a staff member needs to be assigned and click 'Continue'.
  4. You will then be taken to the 'Member Administration' page, pictured below.

To add a Staff Member:

  1. Click 'Add Staff Member'
  2. Select the 'Staff Role'
  3. Search for the 'Member ID'
  4. Select the toggle for 'No Expiration Date? (Yes, No)'
  5. Enter the 'Effective Date' and the 'Expiration Date'
  6. Enter whether the staff member is 'Paid or Volunteer' (this can be changed later)

To edit a Staff Member:

  1. Click the arrow to expand the member
  2. Click the 'Edit' icon
  3. Here you can change the staff member from 'Paid' to 'Volunteer' or vice versa

To delete a Staff Member:

  1. Click the arrow to expand the member
  2. Select the 'Delete' icon

NOTE: The deletion of a Staff Member is an expiration of the role. If you delete all member's roles you will need to add them again using 'Add Staff Member'.

LSC Management Tutorial Video

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