How do I set up Meet Hosting?

To set up Meet Hosting:

1. Log in to your USAS account.

2. Click on "Competition" in the navigation bar and select "My Meets" from the dropdown. If you only have access to one team/organization, you will be taken to your "My Meets" landing page. (*For an alternative way to navigate to the Meet Host setup, please scroll down to the bottom of instruction #4)

2a. If you have access to more than one organization or team, you will need to select the team you'd like to view "My Meets" for. If you need to edit your selection, you will be able to click "Back to Selection" on the next screen. Here's what the selection screen will look like:

3. On the "My Meets" landing page, click the grey "Meet Host" tab.

4. Find the Meet you are looking for in the Meet Host table, and click the "Create" button (plus sign) in the far right column. If you are returning to a Meet setup in progress, click the "Edit" button. To delete a created meet, click the trash can.

Please note: 

  • Creating an OME Meet is only allowed up until the Meet Start Date
  • Editing an OME Meet is only allowed up until the Meet Entry Change Deadline
  • Deleting an OME Meet is only allowed up until the Meet Entry Start Date

*Alternatively, you can get to the Meet Host setup this way: click "Competition" > select "Meet Details" > search for a meet > click the Meet Name in the search results > click the grey "Meet Host" tab > click the "Host Management" pill.

5. If this is a new entry, you will be given information about Meet Templates and asked whether or not you would like to use one.  Make a selection, and click "Continue." Please note: Meet Templates automatically carry over all of the information from the template meet to the meet you are setting up. However, there are a few pieces of information that do not carry over:

  • The dates and the Meet Packet URL on the Meet Info page:

  • The qualifying start date and qualifying end date on the Time Standards page:

  • The entry contact and payment contact Member IDs on the Submit page.


6. Next, you will be taken to a set of forms starting with the Meet Info form. This form will primarily focus on the important times and dates for the meet. Complete this form and click "Continue."  

Please note: as you navigate your way through the forms, you will see a green check mark next to the forms you have completed, and you will see a red "X" next to any forms that require your attention. An asterisk (*) will indicate which form you are currently viewing. You may click the red "Save & Exit" button to save your progress and close at any time. 

Additionally, all of these pages can be edited at any time before the Meet Host setup has been submitted. After submission, these pages become read-only (no editing allowed) at different times. Here is a list of what can be edited when:

Meet Info: the entire page can be edited before the Meet Entry Start Date. After that date has passed and before the Meet Entry Change Deadline has passed, course priorities can no longer be added/edited/deleted, but everything else can be edited. After the Meet Entry Change Deadline has passed, the entire Meet Info page is read-only.

Eligibility, Restrictions, Sessions, Age Groups, and Pricing: the entire page can be edited before the Meet Entry Start Date. After that date has passed, the page is read-only.

Invitations and Submit: the entire page can be edited before the Meet Entry End Date. After that date has passed, the page is read-only.

Time Standards and Events: the entire page can be edited before the Meet Entry Change Deadline. After that date has passed, the page is read-only.

7. Next, you will fill out Eligibility: this form will ask you to provide information to determine event and coach eligibility. 

Please note: 

  • If a Coach Pass Rule is not provided, a Coach Pass Rule allowing zero coach passes when there are zero athletes will automatically be created upon saving the page.
  • If a Bonus Event Rule is not provided, a Bonus Event Rule allowing zero bonus events when an athlete has zero qualifying events will automatically be created upon saving the page. 

8. Restrictions: if your meet has membership restrictions, you will set them here. Adding an age restriction is mandatory. If your meet is open, we recommend setting the age restriction to 1-99. 

To add a restriction, click the blue 'Add Restriction' button and select your restriction type. Please note that when you add a restriction, you are indicating which Memberships, Competition Categories, or Ages are eligible to compete rather than indicating which ones you would like to exclude. For example, in the picture above, only Premium Athletes and Outreach Athletes would be allowed to participate.

9. Invitations: this form will ask you to invite at least one Organization/Team to the meet. Please note: you can invite from USAS, FINA, and NCAA, and you can choose how specific or general you would like the invitation to be. Click the box to select the group you'd like to invite, or click the "+" for a subset of that group. For example, you could invite the entire NCAA by clicking the box next to NCAA: 

You could invite a particular NCAA division by clicking the "+" next to NCAA and then clicking the box next to the division:

You could invite a particular conference within a division by clicking the "+" next to the division and then clicking the box next to the conference:

Or, you could invite a particular school by clicking the "+" next to the conference and clicking the box next to the school: 

10. Sessions: this form will give you the option to set warm-up and/or start times for meet sessions. 

Please note: Meets must have at least one session. If there are no sessions or you would like to add/edit/delete sessions, you must exit the Meet Host setup, search for the Meet under Meet Details, and then navigate to the "General" tab and click the "Sessions" pill. 

11. Age Groups: this form will ask you to add at least one age group for the meet. Click the blue 'Add Age Group' button. Enter the name, min age, and max age for your age group, and click "Save."

12. Time Standards: this form will ask you to indicate whether or not your meet will use time standards. If so, you will be asked to enter additional information to specify time standard details. Click the "Edit" icon for each age group to select their time standards. Time standards created in the Time Standards section of the application will be available to choose from here. (To add a time standard, please click "Save & Exit" > click "Competition" in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page > Time Standards > Add Time Standard > Fill out the Time Standard form). 

Click on the "Edit" button for a given Age Group to select their Time Standards. This will bring you to the page below. If a Time Standard is not applicable, please select the "No Time Standard" option at the top of the list.

13. Events: this form will ask you to provide the events for each session. Click "Add Event" and enter the event information for all events.

Please note: when you go to the Event Details page for an Event, if there is a time standard cut associated with a course, it will pull in automatically to the in input box. You are free to edit the time standard cut, and this edit will be applied to this specific meet. To globally add or edit a Time Standard: click "Competition" in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page > My Time Standards > Add a Time Standard or Edit a Time Standard in the table.    

If a meet has time standards, you can click the blue "Add Alternate Event" button, which will take you to the screen shown immediately below. You can add your alternate event information here:

To see if a time standard is for an alternate event or not, click the down arrow next to the event you would like to check from the Events grid, as shown below:

14. Pricing: this form will ask you to provide pricing information. Click the blue "Add Additional Purchase Item" button to add other items such as parking passes, meal tickets, meet programs, etc. 

 15. Submit: you will add an entry contact and a payment contact here. Click "Submit" to finish the process. 

Please note: after submission, host changes will no longer be allowed. However, you will still be able to view the host setup as "read-only" for reference.

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